- Phone: (415) 881-7526
- Email: info@bjjsaltlake.com
The beginner classes are designed for students who are just starting their Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey, whether they have no prior experience or only a little. These classes focus on teaching the fundamentals, helping students learn to move their bodies in ways that minimize the risk of injury and allow them to perform basic techniques with a partner.
Each class begins with a warm-up that includes solo drills, where students learn essential skills such as how to fall safely, how to stand back up properly, and how to use e ective hip movements to escape from compromised positions.
The main portion of the class is dedicated to teaching basic concepts, principles, etiquette, and a curriculum of techniques that make the BJJ experience enjoyable and accessible. These techniques are part of the requirements evaluated during exams for earning white belt stripes and, eventually, testing for the rank of Blue Belt.
The final part of each class focuses on situational drilling. In this segment, students practice specific positions and responses while applying the techniques learned during the class. Partners use varying degrees of resistance to create a more dynamic and realistic experience. This portion is optional and can be adjusted based on each student’s comfort level